
    Greetings from Pastor Scott

    It has been a sincere joy to pastor at Faith Journey Church since I began in April of 2022, and I am anticipating an exciting 2023!

    For over 30 years I have been blessed with a wonderful wife, Stephanie. We have weathered the ups and downs of marriage and in raising three kids. In all this, we have found God to be faithful in meeting us at our points of need in life. So I look forward to meeting you, hearing your life's journey, and growing in God's grace together "until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ" (Ephesians 4:13).

    Speaking of Jesus, what a joy it is to have a personal relationship with Him! He loves us, and He helps us navigate through life's challenges in our faith journeys as we seek Him. My prayer is that, by God's grace and the power of the Holy Spirit, we find our foundation in life through the truth of His Word, we enjoy His peace in the midst of the stress of the times, and we wholeheartedly live our lives in love in the eternal meaning of God's plan for our lives!

    We warmly welcome you to be our guest and pray that you experience Faith Journey Church not only as A Community to Belong, but also as A Place to Become.

    Praying for you in your journey of faith, Pastor Scott G. Peterson

    Minister of Music

    Chris Stone | Minister of Music

    I'm originally from northern MN and moved to central MN with my spouse, Paula, in 1989, and we started raising our family. I was a full-time professional musician from 1993 to 2008, followed by becoming a church music director until 2014. Paula and I are also business owners in Sauk Rapids, North Crest Kids Activity Center, where we currently spend most of our energy doing all that owning a business requires.
    Hobbies include (but are not limited to) being a dad and grandfather, studying prophecy, playing multiple musical instruments, music recording and production, motorcycling and sightseeing, sailing, home renovating, working out and nutrition, as well as enjoying Sudoku and crossword games.
    I have been with Faith Journey Church since 2019 and hope to remain a faithful steward of all that God has blessed me with by continuing to lift up the name of Jesus Christ and His finished work on the cross and continuing in His faithful and indivisible word.

    Administrative Assistant

    Jennifer Greener | Administrative Assistant

    I come with over ten years of experience as a church secretary. I love this job because it lets me interact with people, pray with them, and help them with questions and needs they may have.

    I grew up on a dairy farm and loved the experience. I am grateful to my parents for the godly upbringing of a Christian home for my 5 siblings and me. I am single, which allows me to spend time with 16 nephews and nieces and 24 greats, which brings me great joy! In my spare time I love to sew, quilt, spend time with friends, and travel.