Faith Journey Church's Discipleship Ministry
Our Discipleship Ministry exists to engage all willing congregants in a Discipleship Pathway-from new life to spiritual maturity-that focuses on building stronger faith and deeper love. Through both a "Short-term" and "Long-term" approach in discipleship, people are equipped with the knowledge, attitude, and skills to bring glory to God by effectively ministering inside and outside of the church through growing, serving, and sharing.
Short-Term: A concise series of 4 Core Topics/Courses which directly address the challenges listed in our 5-Year Vision. These 4 Topics/Courses of 4 lessons each (4x4, so 16 total lessons) also provide an appetizer for every believer by providing an initial taste of following Jesus, with the hope that this short-term discipleship ministry will lead people to want to engage in long-term discipleship.
Step #1:
Pick up at Faith Journey Church the 4x4 booklets.
Step #2:
Determine if you will complete 4x4 Topics alone or with others. Ideally you complete each lesson with another person and discuss your thoughts, but you may also do each lesson on your own, and then, preferably, discuss your thoughts with someone after each one of the four lessons.
Step #3:
Watch the accompanying video of each Topic's Lesson at You may choose to have the booklet open and fill in the blanks while watching the video or watch the video and then seek to answer the questions
Step #4
If you have questions or comments, speak to Pastor Scott
4x4 Topic #1 - Nurture the Faith:
People experience growth in living their new life in Christ through four vital lessons that launch the 4x4 ministry.
4x4 Topic #2 - Strengthened by Faith:
People experience growth as demonstrated by moving away from the emptiness of the world to encountering God's sovereign truth and authentic love with a stronger foundation in life. Key: Strengthened in God's Truth and Love - Knowing, Head, Abiding
4x4 Topic #3 - Serenity of Faith:
People experience growth as demonstrated by moving from the stress, worry, and loneliness of today to living in shalom with the Lord Jesus Christ, others, & self, resulting in greater peace, joy, & hope in life. Key: Serenity of Christ in all our relationships - Being, Heart, Caring